Monday, January 24, 2011

Color's Expressions 2

Following the expressions which use green, let’s check some expressions which use “Pink.”

When you say “I’m really fine”, you can use an expression which uses pink.
You can say,
“I’m in the pink.”
This is useful. I want to try to use this when I am asked my feeling by someone.

Also do you know the expression, “pink slip”?
This meaning is same to the phrase “discharge and dismiss”
The image which I have to pink is cute and girlish but I don’t want to be used in this meaning of pink.  

Pink also has other meaning. I want to know more phrases and I want to try to use in real days.

Color's Expression 1

To day let’s study about expressions which use color. There is a lot of color, which do you like the best? I knew some using of expressions; I’ll introduce some phrases which use Green today.

For example, Green is used in the situation like following.

Situation 1
A: Take a look at him. He is staring at the couple.
B: He looks weird. He’s got a green eye.

In this situation, Green has meaning which similar to get jealous.
I don’t know why green has this meaning, but I think this phrase is useful.

Also you can use green like this.

Situation 2

A: I was given a new car by my father on my birthday.
B: Color me green!

 This meaning of green is same Jealous. So B is saying “I’m jealous” in another phrase.

This is also the expression which you use when you envy someone.
Green is not color expression but also has some meanings. These are helpful expressions

Interesting Expressions 2

Hey guys, how you doing? Recently the flu is going around. Be careful for your health!
Today I’ll also introduce an interesting English phrase to you.
Do you know the meaning this phrase?

“I’ll kiss it better”

You may use this for little children. When I knew this phrase, I thought this phrase was for lovers. But I understand this real meaning, I want to use this for a child.

You got it? Probably you can use this phrase when you comfort children who got hurt.

This phrase’s meaning is “Itai no itai no tonndeike” in Japanese. Could you understand?
This phrase in English is cute and I suppose I can this phrase for my lover.

I also want to use thisJ

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Animal Expressions 1

I think girls have dreamed of a prince on a white horse at least one time. How about you? When I see horses, I have an upscale image.

Houses seem to be noble but they are often used in negative phrases.
For example,

“High horse” “Horse around”, “Beat a dead horse” and “Hold one’s horses”
 These word’s meaning is like below.

High horse means bumptious and attitudinal.
Horse around means making a scene.
Beat a dead horse means do ineffective things.
Hold one’s horses’ means calming down.

I found other expressions which uses another animal.
I will write some another expressions which use animals again anytime soon.

Interesting Expressions 1

Various expressions is always useful. I’m not good at using them, and when I talk with foreigners, I tend to talk with her or him in a rut. I want to talk with them naturally!

Today, I found an interesting English phrase. It is this phrase.

“What’s eating to you?”

When you see a boy or girl who is in a bad humor, you may say this phrase.
This phrase’s meaning is like “What’s wrong with you?”
When I saw this, I thought that this phrase is used in eating time. But! When I understand this real meaning, I wanted to try to use this actually.

Also, how do you say “taking a quick nap” in another way?

“Take (catch) forty winks”

 is same this. You can both these 2 phrases, but I think that various expressions will help you when you want to tell what you want to say.

“Forty winks” is interesting expression. I want to try these in real life!

Hepbum's word

Do you know Audrey Hepbum? You know, she was a famous British actress and humanitarian. When she was a child, she spent her childhood during the Second War. Later she studied ballet in Arnhem and then moved to London in 1948.Then she decided to continue ballet and began to work as a Photographer’s model. She appeared in several European films before in 1951.She played in a lot of films such as Roman Holiday, My Fair Lady and Breakfast at Tiffany’s. She became one of the most successful actresses in films.
Later her experiences of war time inspired her for humanitarian work so after he quitted her actress work, she started to work for UNICEF. And she worked for poor children during her later life.
Also she was known for her beauty. Probably you have seen her; I have heard that Audrey was the most beautiful woman in the world.
I respect her and I have a favorite phrase which Audrey left.
It is the following word.

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others;
For beautiful lips, speak only word of kindness; and
For poise, walk for with the knowledge that you are never alone.

What did you think about this phrase? When I was a high school student, I knew it. Her word touched my heart. This word has a power which makes me kind to others. When I think about this word, I always think that I want to be like Audrey.

Valentine's Phrases

Hi, everyone! February will come soon. Speak to February; you will connect with certain day. It is Valentine day! Do you have a boy or girl whom you want to give chocolate and presents?
By the way, do you know the meaning of this phrase?

“Will you be my Valentine?

This phrase is a set phrase in Valentine card and this is used by both boys and girls.
This “Valentine” doesn’t mean Saint Valentine, does lover.
So if you want to declare your love, why don’t you use this phrase?
This phrase is so cute!

In addition, there are some phrases such as

“Love from your Valentine”,
“This Valentine was sealed with kiss.”

They are all romantic. I liked them! I try to use this phrase in this Valentine.

Micky Mouse

You know, Micky Mouse is a famous character in Disney. But Micky Mouse is an adjective which people use often. Thinking about Micky Mouse, we connect with pretty image.
However, in fact, Micky Mouse’s meaning similar to insignificant or worthless.

For example, there is a phrase “micky Mouse Money”
“If you use this word in conversation, “Micky Mouse Money” means toy money and money which has no value.
This phrase originates Micky Mouse Money” which is used in only Disney land,

By the way, there is a phrase “take the Micky away” in British English. This means that “make one fun”.

Adjectival meaning is not good for Disney but these phrases are interesting. There are a lot of phrases which I don’t know.
So I want to learn them more and more!

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Perhaps, maybe, probably, they are similar in meaning each other.
I often use “maybe~” in my conversation, but in a book that I read, I found that my using of “”maybe” is incorrect.
I always used “maybe” when I was talking with foreigners regardless of degree of exactness.

I show degree of exactness of 3 words, “perhaps”, “maybe” and “probably”, it is showed like following.


According to an article, Japanese English learners tend to use “maybe” or “probably” too much. The same is true for me.
Although these 3 words have similar meaning, they are different of using.

 I leaned that I must use them over separating by degree of exactness to tell what I really want to say exactly.

Friday, January 21, 2011


Do you know Twitter? Twitter is a international website which offers a social networking and micro blogging service. If you have account of Twitter, you can send and read messages called tweets. Tweets are limited to 140 letters and these tweets can be seen by only followers. Followers are the people are registered by system of follow and follower can check and answer tweets. Message senders can restrict message delivery to just their followers.
Twitter is used in all over the world and has gained popularity worldwide and currently more that 175 million users.

Recently, I found an article which is about Twitter. The article says that 5 languages used on Twitter are English, Japanese, Portuguese, Malay and Spanish and among these languages, English occupies 50% of messages. Japanese is 14% and the second language.

According to this article, English is common in many countries and important way to communication. Twitter is new communication system and we can talk with foreigners through it more and more. English is need in new system in various fields. So I thought that I wanted to study English more and more.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Daily conversation

● Speaking

I want to speak English more fluently. However it is so difficult for me. I often can tell foreigners what I want to say.
I can image in things I will say my head but I can’t express them in English. This situation makes me sad and irritate.

The other day, I found that phrases which I use in conversation with foreigners are often incorrect. Of course, The best thing I should do is trying to speak and tell what I want to say with various expression and gestures.

But I want to improve my expression little by little.
 For example, (This time, I’m posting expressions which be used in daily conversation.)

“” What time is it now?” “Do you have the time?”
“What’s your name?” ”I’m Mana. And you are…?”
“I haven’t seen you for many years” “How have you been?” “Long time no see.”
“Good bye” “See you!” “See you around.”

Like this. I want to know easy expressions more and more.


● way for writing and reading.

Hello, everyone. Happy New Year! I hope this year will be a wonderful for you!

Today, I found some proverbs. Probably, also to Japanese, they may know these proverbs.

First, do you know this meaning?

"We never meet without a parting."

I think that this is a familiar one in Japan. Meeting a lot of people connects with new world and you will get a lot of chances. However we must experience parting as many as meeting. So I convince this phrase.

Next is this one.
"There is no royal road to learning"
This is the best proverb which I convinced.
In this year, I also try to study English hard and steadily.

Last is He that falls today may rise tomorrow

This means  “Nanakorobi Yaoki” in Japanese. Do you know?

We know some proverbs in Japanese but if we can understand them in English, we will be interested in them more. So I also want to find some English proverbs.