To day let’s study about expressions which use color. There is a lot of color, which do you like the best? I knew some using of expressions; I’ll introduce some phrases which use Green today.
For example, Green is used in the situation like following.
Situation 1
A: Take a look at him. He is staring at the couple.
B: He looks weird. He’s got a green eye.
In this situation, Green has meaning which similar to get jealous.
I don’t know why green has this meaning, but I think this phrase is useful.
Also you can use green like this.
Situation 2
A: I was given a new car by my father on my birthday.
B: Color me green!
This meaning of green is same Jealous. So B is saying “I’m jealous” in another phrase.
This is also the expression which you use when you envy someone.
Green is not color expression but also has some meanings. These are helpful expressions
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