Thursday, October 14, 2010


Way for listening

Do you know “mimidokusyo” which is a way to improve listening of English. Mimidokusyo is in Japanese. In these days, I’ve heard this word. In English it is “reading with ears”.

I interested in this way so I researched it.
 Let’s learn how to Mimidokusyo.

At first, you have to prepare any English texts and CDs whose contents are same. You listen the CD without seeing texts. Not seeing any texts. You have to understand the contents of the CD with only your ears.
At first, you must concentrate on whole stories of the CD. You come to be used to listening them, next, concentrate on listening details. And you have to repeat this practice again and again.
At beginning, easy and short texts and CDs are good for beginner. And the most important thing on doing this studying way is your repetition. By doing this again and again, your ears will get used to English.

Any CDs are ok. I’ll try it!


  1. Hi, Mana. Thank you for comment on my blog.
    It's so hard to keep blogging. Do your best!

  2. I never heard "Mimidokusyo". It's difficult for me to do. But I try this!
